I am loving this age that Will is. Some moms with older kids have told me that they think 1-ish is hard because you have to constantly be by their side. Their kids are old enough now where they can let them run around the play ground, while the moms can sit down and chat for more than a minute. I certainly am excited for that age too, but I don't mind this age, because I can finally take him to fun places, like the park, and not have to hold him while he is wiggling to get down all the time. Yes, I do have to be by him all the time, but I also get to be hands-free a little (woohoo, because he is not the lightest kid around!), and watch him play with other kids. I get to watch more of his personality come through in a different surrounding than our home.
These are from a couple of weeks ago. I met up with my sister and
Sharrah at a park with a splash pad. Will had the best time. He seems to be a little leery about pools. He doesn't enjoy them much, because I think all of the water freaks him out. He loved the splash pad, though. He loved the water spouts, and that he could crawl around to it, but not be submerged. He loved having the water shoot through his fingers and I loved watching him.
My niece, Presley. She is seriously beautiful.
It looks like he's magically directing the water. Maybe he should be Harry Potter for Halloween!
Sweet Skylar!
Ha! That little boy in the background cracks me up, trying to sit on the water spout.
A little girl came over to the spout that Will was playing with and stood over it. His expression makes me laugh.
Presley explaining to the boy that "this is Bubba." I love it!
I love the next few pictures. He was playing, and I was standing back, snapping pictures. He spotted me, smiled and crawled over to me. Be still, my heart. I adore that little boy!
The whole crew. Bubba was tired.
Happy Friday! Be sure to check back on Monday for a little family session deal. Christmas is just around the corner, so you only have a couple months to send out your Christmas cards!!